PreK Selection Criteria
We have 3 PreK classrooms which can accept a maximum of 20 children into each classroom for a total of 60 PreK spots. Unfortunately, University Elementary is in such high demand, we have many more applicants than spots available. Pre-K in the state of Louisiana is grant funded and we must follow grant guidelines. If there are more applicants than available space, children are selected by income eligibility first, then by screening scores. Screening scores from the lowest to the highest (at each school) are used to accept children that do not meet income eligibility, there is no cut off score. Some children with high scores may get accepted depending on the scores at a school this year. Keep in mind, some parents do not accept their child’s placement into the program; if this happens, we will start offering open spots to those on the waiting list.
Video for Registering for PreK click HERE
Gifted PreK Class
Did you know that University has a gifted Pre-K class for 3 and 4 year old children? Check out the possible signs of a gifted child. Call 318-603-6871 to Inquiry!